Foursquare launches new merchant tools for brand owners

Foursquare launches new merchant tools for brand owners

After the launch of a fresh new look for its app, Foursquare unveiled connected apps for its users and they haven’t forgotten about Business owners that use their app too. Foursquare recently announced a new feature called “Local Updates” which helps brand owners share more about their brands directly to users via Foursquare.

These tools help brand broadcast about new offers, changes to their brands, upcoming attractions and specials as and when and however they want. Updates will automatically appear on your brand profile page, to fans who have liked your page, and to people who have just checked in. It will also be visible to people who are nearby and have tapped on the explore tab.

These updates are easily customisable according to your needs. If you have more than one branch, you can choose to select the branches that you want the update to include. Once the venue or venues are selected, you can add the description along with an attractive photo. You can also add specials if you like. The stats dashboard helps you to collate all data about check-ins at each venue allowing you to pin point areas where business is dull or booming and take appropriate steps to make adjustments. “View report” gives a deeper and more detailed insight into daily records.

 Techdivine profile page on Foursquare  Techdivine more info page on Foursquare

Now suppose you run a restaurant and want to celebrate “Cheese week”. You can push out an update listing all the venues that are celebrating Cheese week. You can add a delicious looking photo of dishes that will be available during this week. In addition, you could offer a special declaring a discount on the 7th day to those who checked in on the first 6 days of “Cheese Week”. Later you can find out which day had the most footfalls and check-ins, which dish was the most popular and other nuggets of information from your dashboard or detailed reports.

Let us know if you are a business owner who is planning to make use of this nifty new feature or a customer who has benefited from it.

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