Archive for the ‘Agri Commodities Research’ Category

Technology, innovation, creative, social media and markets top news this week

Technology, innovation, creative, social media and markets top news this week 1. Apple TV is here – What will you be watching? 2. Hello Ruby: A children’s book teaching kids programming fundamentals 3. 3D Printed Food: Becoming …… a delicious reality 4. Commodities and Equity Markets top news this week 5. Social media marketing & […]

Power TD News: Social media, technology, events, Art workshops, Commodity and markets

Power TD News: Top news from across the globe on Social media, technology, events, Indian Art, craft and Textile workshops, Commodity and markets updates 1. Control Your GE Oven via Smartphone — From Anywhere Check out the apps on Google Play store and Apple iOS app store: GE Oven app on Android GE Oven app on iOS […]

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