Simple Google search tricks to Save your time

Simple Google search tricks to Save your time

How many times have you tried to google for stuff and have come up with vague results? Probably too many a times.

Try to follow these simple tips listed below to refine your search and reduce the number of pages you have to skim through.
1. Narrow down your parameters right from the start:

If you have to search only a specific site, suppose amazon, for books, specify your search parameters as

Site: ~books “Harry potter”

This would search for Harry Potter books. You can specify time ranges for your search as well. For results between 2010 and 1012, type 2010..2012

2. Phrase your searches properly:

Instead of looking out for a statistics file pdf to know “how tornados are rated”, you could frame it as Filetype:pdf intitle:rating of tornados 

This would help you find a pdf file which has tornado ratings.

3. Exclude terms that you don’t want:

If you want to know the scores of IIM’s but only cat scores and not CET,type in, IIM CAT scores -CET

4. Search by author:

Suppose you want to search for a paper presented by on Mathematics, you could search for it as, Author:moriarty mathematics “prof. james moriarty”

You can narrow down results by using quotes to denote the Professors full name.

5. Definitions:

Simply type define in front of a word to have google give you a summary of its meaning.

Define: confounded

6. Calculate:

Don’t reach for that calculator.Simply type in the equation in the google search bar and hit enter.

7. Conversion:

Again directly type in your query,for eg:
5 metres in feet

Try out these tips and you will be navigating google like an expert in no time at all. The implementation of  Google Instant ensures that you have results at your fingertips as soon as you finish typing your query. Also search algorithms are constantly evolving to provide us with better and more relevant results. Websites are paying more attention to making the sites more SEO friendly in a race to head to be seen at the top of Google results. Apart from this, Google also provides tools like Translate to make sure you are not hampered by linguistic restrictions and YouTube to provide more visually pleasing results. All this clubbed together means more instant and useful results for the end user.

There are so many more to come, meanwhile, do try these out and let us know your views and some cool tips and tricks that you have come across too.

Have a GOOGLE Time ahead.


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2 Responses to “Simple Google search tricks to Save your time”

  1. […] Simple Google search tricks to Save your time […]

  2. prakash says:

    Wish i knew about this earlier. Could have helped me with my projects. Oh well, will make use of it next time.

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