Just Another day of skill and fun at TD studios – By Anandhapadmanabhan

Giggles, thunderous laughs, tables filled with food and variety of beverages… Three laptops lying in different corners occupied by 2 people each and the whole ambience filled with excitement tells you about just another day of work by artists at Techdivine Studios.


As the VP Resource Management Mrs.Neela Shinde enters in with her gorgeous pet cat on one hand and a cell phone on the other, the currently working 6 artists wave a big smile of “hi” to her…. as she gets settled with one of the teams.   


Ms.Shafaque Patel and Mr.Yasir, the Planning & Budgeting heads at TD studios wrap up with their schedule for the day and load up 3d compositing software on their screen. Just then, we hear, “Ho gaya” as in sounding like ‘Eureka’ by the 3d Modeling head Mr.Nadeem, who catches everyone’s attention and all rush in to see the fabulous looking 3d camera designed by him.


That’s right everyone at TD studios, right from the VP to the Production in charge is a hardcore passionate artist from heart. 


As they constantly put in efforts to render there creative skills out in a still format for ‘check & quality control’ the storyboard head Mr.Vaibhav too walks in to give his views on the current frame.


About 4 hours later they split up their respective works which has been mostly done except for final finishing touches. The stills and raw format of the files are mailed across to few other junior artists and designers who will finish it online by the end of the day and send the final output for QC check to the respective heads through email.


A total of 18 artists thus work into a particular project at a given point of time with services ranging from 3D architectural walkthrough, Print media services and web based services, compositing and visual effects with titling, clay animation, creative writing, and digital art at Techdivine studios.


TD studios is a newly established quickly growing Online designing studio wherein majority of the work is done Off-site and online by highly skilled artists, with skills on a plethora of levels and varied medium, who meet up twice a week for a review and check on the work done.


The best part about them is that they all behave like art students thus always ready to learn and grow from each other and at the same time produce photorealistic CG works with high level of professionalism. 


On Jan 2008, TD studios celebrated its first anniversary which started like a dream with just 1 artist and has grown more through work and as a brand than just numbers and artists as the Concept and Idea head who is also TD’s brand and product consultant Mr.Ananthanarayan V, picks up the best and adds in his multiple skills of both design and management and the fabulous projects and varied technical growth goes on shooting up each and every day with fun and learning.


I Anandhapadmanabhan, providing the financial advice here, might just be an observer to the whole new platform today, but someday would like to see this group of talented artists, manager and skilled dreamers at the top of their game. 


My best wishes to all of you and hearty congratulations for completing a successful and fun filled year at TD studios.


 A Padmanabhan



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