The wait was finally over….


Snarling all around with a face that could not look dimmer than what seemed to be. As I walked into the client’s office, he was staring at the horrible sounds that seemed to be echoing through his office with my entrance.


But I guess, the meeting was important enough to entertain my orchestra of heavy cough and cold in his conference room.


I finished my appointments and meetings one after the other and rushed to find a cab back home. Desperately with my weary self I carried the exhaustion my body was trying to bear all around the crowded street of Andheri.


As the misery of my last 3 days fever and cold seemed to catch up on my body strength, I caved in and started hunting for a rick that could take me home in it’s own topsy-turvy way.  I finally found one in the horribly crowded and filled with heavy horns and brakes road of Saki Naka. I entered in and re-checked with the Pilot of the ‘Rick’ of my destination. He nodded and took off in his horribly rash way that he drives. He drove like he owned the road, but the only issue was, with his speed, he seemed to also own my life for that hour or so. Anyways, I was too tired to move and in those twenty minutes or so he just all of a sudden stopped.


“Gas nahi hai sir rickshaw mein” he said and eyed for me to get off the vehicle.


No gas in the rick, Wow, fabulous. I was at the Hira Nandani area of Powai at 7 pm where I would never ever get another rick in less than half hour.


Bingo, I was right! I got the rick for my way home at 7:25 pm. I was half crashing down when I reached home.


I ate something light to keep me ticking and rushed to the doctor to get some meds of this stretched weariness. Luckily, there were only 2 other miserable looking individuals at the doctors waiting room. I took my number and just laid back in the seat waiting to get my dose of medicine. It was 9:30 pm. In the next 30 minutes or so, there were apparently 6 others who went directly in saying they needed to just show their reports who apparently the doc’s helper felt was fine to let them in. By the time the whole lot went in and out and me with the other one more waiting to get in could explain and get things right, (which I did not get into as it seemed like a fight when the others were doing it, so I just laid back in the seat) the time was 10:20 pm.


Finally, it was my turn and I could not believe my luck. The doc had an emergency call and she left.


Finally, I got my dose of meds and left at 11pm. Glad… My wait was finally over and apparently when I took my meds back at home… so was the day!


Happy healing!

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