Happy New Year – Welcome 2017 – 10 things I wish for you

Happy New Year Welcome 2017

Happy New Year – Welcome 2017 – 10 things I wish for you

Happy New Year Welcome 2017

Happy New Year Welcome 2017

Happy New Year Welcome 2017

Happy New Year Welcome 2017

Wish you all a very HAPPY NEW Year filled with Happiness, Peace, Health, Wealth and Prosperity.

A warm welcome to the all new 2017 and with that here are 10 things I sincerely wish for all of you this new year:


1) Happiness:


Of all the amazing ‘stuff’ that is out there, I think Happiness is highly underrated. We all say so many things when we are asked about, ‘what we want from our lives’. But, if we are happy with our lives, then we truly do not need anything more now, do we? The power of Happiness is such that if you are happy, your aura spreads that cheer around you too. That is the reason we always find happy people surrounded by happy families, happy friends, happy colleagues and so on….. It’s not a coincidence. 

Did you know the most amazing thing about Happiness: It seems, it’s completely in our control, the way we react to things, the way we decide to respond and or reciprocate to those events happening all around us decides our level of happiness each and every single day.

So, with the advent of this all new 2017, I wish all of you plenty of happiness in the true sense of the term.

2) Peace:


I wish you loads of PEACE and Harmony this 2017. May you find solace and calmness in every step you take in your journey, that you embark in, this new year.

3) The power to let go of “EGO”

Let go of EGO

Let go of “EGO”


Did you know that EGO is listed as one of the top three reasons that has caused failures in Life, both Professional and Personal. So let go of that EGO and keep growing in your life. Remember:

 “If you want to go fast go alone if you want to go far go together”.


4) Power of Forgiveness: Forgive others and most importantly Yourself: 

Be at Peace with yourself Forgiveness for selfForgiveness Forgive yourself

In this chaotic, competitive and demanding world, sometimes we tend to take decisions that are irrational, simply plain rude, arrogant, selfish and or even obnoxious. More often than not, these are momentary decisions taken in that shaken state of mind. Sometimes, these rash decisions cost us things that are more valuable than anything else. Most of the times we regret it, ask for absolution and get things back on track, but sometimes, life does not give us the second chance. That’s when regret, pain, guilt, suffering takes over. It is during such times that we are unable to either forgive others or ourselves. Did you know that these reasons are quoted to be some of the core reasons that lead to depression and such other serious concerns of today. So with the all new year of 2017, I wish all of us to be able to dig deep down and empower those around with the POWER OF FORGIVENESS – for both, others and for self. Let’s heal and start the journey with the lessons learnt from the past. Let’s forgive and grow together as one. Life is too short to hold grudges or fall into regrets. It’s a journey, let’s make it count!

 5) Keep Learning and growing:

Keep Learning and growing

Keep Learning and growing


Be Curious and learn new things this 2017. The professional world has always been demanding. Now, more so than ever. Things, technology, processes, approach to life and work seem to be constantly undergoing changes. I wish for all of us to be able to adapt and embrace this constant and rapid changes with an amazing power and ability to keep learning new things this 2017. Let us learn a new skill instead of getting overwhelmed, let us grow in the process, be ever curious and excited to build a greater and better 2017 and years to follow.

6) Stay Fit and Eat Healthy:

eat healthystay fit fitness and healthkeep exercisinghealth food nutrition diet

I am and have always been a teetotaler & a Vegetarian all my life. But having said that, let me also say that, life has humbled me enough today to understand that healthy life and lifestyle has a lot to do with our genetics too. For eg. you could be eating and or drinking things on a daily basis that would be instantaneously harmful to me. So fitness, healthy lifestyle, eating things that are right depend on each individual’s genetics. Having said that, of course, it’s always without an iota of a doubt, advisable to stay out of things like drugs or alcohol or smoking etc which are known and proven to be deadly for your health and harmful for your life, both professionally and personally. In 2014 and 2015, I ran a total of 1,000 kms across events, on a daily running routine, across many half marathons etc but somehow in 2016, I did only a total of 309 kms and did not pay heed to my diet, routine at all. So, here again, I hope I go back to a fitness routine like I did back in 2014 and 2015 and be watchful of what I eat. So this new year, on similar lines, I wish you all great health, fit life and a healthy diet that suits you, your life, your loved ones in the best manner possible. Stay fit!

7) Keep Smiling:

keep smiling

Always keep smiling!

8) Focus on your Goals and remember, life is a marathon and not a sprint:

life is a marathon not a sprintlife is a marathon not a sprintlife is a marathon not a sprint

Have clearly defined goals that are important to you. It could be anything, but whatever you have in mind, if possible, write it down, keep looking at it, remind yourself about it and work towards it. But take it easy along the journey and make sure to remember, life is a marathon and not a sprint.

9) There is no shortcut to success:

Success work harder outwork outperform every day

Sometimes we may feel that the person we are competing with has an undue advantage. Some are genetically gifted, as in they have great health inspite of what they do or the kind of lifestyle they live. Some are financially gifted, they are born into families of great wealth or prosperity or have people around them at all times who offer them financial security no matter what. Some are socially gifted and can make friends or connect with people faster than you can blink your eye and so on and so forth. Yes, that is true. This might be the case in your life, but remind yourself of one thing: Say to yourself when you see such an individual “You might be richer than me, have better social or professional influence or contacts than me, have better health than mine, life might have granted you easier and better opportunities than me, but you will NEVER outwork or outperform me.Say it, mean and put it into action and see your life changing. Someone once asked me why I work even during holidays and I remember saying to them that, “I am going to keep working till I no longer need to introduce myself to anyone.” What ever you do, always work hard, give everything except excuses and most important of all, never give up. Life can have either results or excuses, but not both.

10) Never lose hope: Remember, whatever happens, the sun will rise again tomorrow:

Never Give Up Never lose hoperead a new bookread a new bookhelp someonehappy new year welcome 2017happy new year welcome 2017happy new year welcome 2017

Most important of all. At any point of time if you feel a little tired, stressed out, burned out even, take a break, read a book, help someone who is less privileged than you are, go and check out a new place, travel to relax and always remember, the sun will rise again tomorrow for you to start over. Never lose hope. It’s ok even if it feels like you are moving slow, the important thing is, that, you are moving! 

With this, I wish you all a very HAPPY NEW YEAR and a Warm Welcome to an all new 2017.


Be Well

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Ananth V

Founder & CEO

Techdivine Creative Services

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