Archive for the ‘Leadership’ Category

Power TD News: Social media, technology, events, Art workshops, Commodity and markets

Power TD News: Top news from across the globe on Social media, technology, events, Indian Art, craft and Textile workshops, Commodity and markets updates 1. Control Your GE Oven via Smartphone — From Anywhere Check out the apps on Google Play store and Apple iOS app store: GE Oven app on Android GE Oven app on iOS […]

Dhirubhai Ambani, Wishing you a very happy birthday

Happy Birthday to Dear  Dhirubhai Ambani (28th December, 2013) Think big, Think fast and Think ahead. Ideas are no ones monopoly. A day that will forever be historic in the hearts of billions across the world. It’s the Birth date of an icon, a legendary visionary and a man who designed dreams and made the […]

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