Life: Taking my breath away – 'SIMPLE' things


Simple Dreams




As I pondered at the starry sky for the moments that were spent I could plainly see the spills on the carpet and the stains on the mattress. I kept thinking I needed to improvise, a change would be good said my sanely perplexed brain.


Again, the dove flew off like the starry night before. Today, it reminded me of a work of art from one of the famous Italian painters and my mind wandered into one such artists words. He had said that an object that has been assimilated or formed and now needs no addition, no editing and no change is pure beauty…


Thank god for those famous quotes by artists.


That’s what I felt today, at the end of the day… it was beautiful… it was stunning… it was pure and perfect ….. simply because it was “SIMPLE”


My brain came to the present and looked at the wonderful things that were gifted to me till date.


It did not make me overlook the demands and the twinge, but gave me enough nerve to keep fighting, never go down on hope and have a conviction, a stronger faith in myself.


I had a horrible yesterday but had an awesome day today.


Had an amazing and astounding 10 hour sleep (keeping in mind my usual sleep of not more than 4-5 hours), woke up fresh, had a glass of my favorite mixed fruit Tropicana, did some workout and had a stupendous brunch fit for a king with a great friend of mine who also is an important part of my routine, someone from whom I take a lot of advice.


The day ended perfectly with a call from my side to a very kind and sweet relative wishing him on his birthday today which is a huge deal because of the fact that I barely remember even my own birth day.  


At the end of the day, I had good food, great friend, amazing family and an awesome book to read not to mention my grand day with loads of real keeping fit routine and some virtual game plays on my computer.


So, I had grown up a bit today but with zest and loads of energy.


I was responsible for something that was not part of my job, I was with and around those who cared and vice-versa, I put enough energy into my physical and mental training today and after a long time could write a simple post for a blog, not too long and just like my day, could keep it simple.


So I guess, it’s not just the remarkable mind blowing things that make impact on us. It’s also these simple aspects from our everyday that make us cheerful, gives us hope and courage to face life with belief, dedication and optimism.



When things go wrong

And life gets crude

Hang on to the soulful hope

That never keeps you aloof

Kiss her hand and breathe in her heart

Sing a song to the blues

and play your part!

— Ananth V



god bless and be well


Image source:


Ananth V




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4 Responses to “Life: Taking my breath away – 'SIMPLE' things”

  1. Anandha says:

    Good one…..

    After such a long time. ….

    Keep writing……

    Keep Clicking gr8 pics ….

    and life will go on>>>>>>>>>>>>

  2. Karishma says:

    hey ,
    very simply put and very well said !! At the end of the day even if things are not going your way and you still can learn something from it and find a reason to smile … and still see the ray of hope .. nothing like it ….. A gr8 friend and a good book and sweet relatives … all put together brings a sweet smile on the face no matter what .. keep writing .. it is always a pleasure reading your work .. it is always DDS 🙂


  3. Author says:

    hi Karishma

    Thanks for the comments…. Keep reading and keep posting your views….. be well

    Ananth V

  4. Author says:

    hi Anandha

    Thanks for the comments…. Keep reading and keep posting your views….. be well

    Ananth V

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