Foursquare check-ins represented in a pulsing visual map

Four days of Foursquare check-ins in one minute

Foursquare check-ins show the pulse of New York City and Tokyo from Foursquare on Vimeo.

Foursquare has released an amazing video which utilizes check-in data by individuals across New York and Tokyo and represents them in colour coded streaks across the cities. This video used a years worth of check-in data.

The check-ins are colour coded based on the type of venue where it is made, like residential,  food plazas, night spots etc. A dot represents a single check-in. A line represents a sequential check-in. So you can observe hot spots of red and yellow during the day which shows people arriving at offices and schools or colleges. By late evening, they are slowly replaced by blue and green indicating the shift towards check-ins at night spots, hotels, cafes and art spots. New York city seems to be a throbbing mass of colour while Tokyo has a few concentrated spots connected by lines of green representing transport lines.

The video is incredibly striking when you consider that each streak of light is the contribution of an individual such as yourself. It also goes to show the scale on which this data is measured. Foursquare has over 30 million users and 5 million check-ins per day. Foursquare had made a similar video last October when Hurricane Sandy hit New York City.

Are you a Foursquare user? What ind of places do you check into the most? Do let us know here.

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