Branding key rules

Branding, key rules

Ananth V branding key rules


Branding is a core aspect of any business, whether a large corporation or a business individual or a professional. Branding is everything when done right!

Today, corporations spend millions of dollars in every economy to make sure their BRANDS are being effectively managed. They mostly end up running their brand campaigns with the following three ideas in mind to begin with:

– Reach across a massively large audience

– ROI on time and resources invested

– Branding using the websites and social media optimally

Branding as a campaign needs to be planned strategically and with a sincere and clear idea to add real value to end readers and consumers.

The fact remains, people online or offline, have always wanted to “engage” with the brands they trust. The irony being, ‘brands’ themselves strive every time to ‘make’ users engage with their brands.

So how does this ‘gap’ occur, i.e the consumers ‘need to’ engage versus the brands efforts to ‘make‘ consumers engage with their brands? They both are after the same thing right? Then why does it not happen the way it is supposed to at times?

The main reason for this wide gap, seen especially across the social media platforms where brands make a desperate attempt to connect with the consumers are that they talk to the brands as if they are only companies and nothing more who is listening to their prospects or customers.

This is where the gap occurs. Even as a BRAND, you need to give it a human face, let the people know that they are interacting with an ‘individual’ who really cares about what they think or need. It also should be shown in their communication efforts too.

Every business has the ability to become ‘iconic’, but only with a vision that involves vivid product and brand positioning coupled with a power packed customer focused approach and the ability to truly deliver on their promises.

Here are some pointers that have worked wonders for the brands that we have worked with over the years –

Focus: Be very clear  on what you tend to achieve from your social media or BRANDING campaign, whether online or offline.

– Clearly define your GOALS

– What does your BRAND need to achieve and across which target audience.

Remember, websites do not define your branding strategy. Success of a branding campaign depends on the sincerity with which your content reaches across a larger audience regularly with a clear intention to add real-value to end users.

Branding is not a one time process, it is a constant effort to make a difference positively across prospects and end consumers. Be a solution to their problems and do it with a ‘face’. HUMANIZE your brand.

Content: Many times, Corporations plan a power packed campaign with tons of creative ideas, huge resources in terms of money and efforts, but fail to realize that they lack the necessary content that is in sync with the branding strategy. Content is KING. There is no doubt about it. So before you plan and get ready to execute any branding campaign, make sure your content (RELEVANT Content) is ready to be shared across a large audience and to be consumed at a rapid pace too.

LISTEN: Branding strategy is not always about “talking”. Many times it also requires one to LISTEN to what consumers are saying and LISTEN to what your own BRAND is talking about.

If you exist as a brand, there is someone out there already talking about you. So make sure you are part of the conversation prism.

On similar lines, simply listening to the online conversation clutter is not enough. As a brand, you also need to clearly pay attention to what YOU as a BRAND are conveying to the end readers. So make sure to LISTEN to others as well as your own brand tone and message to users.

Remember, what is once said online, always stays online.

Diversify your reach, not your branding strategy: This is very true especially in today’s scenario where consumers connect and understand brands at a very personal level. It is very important as a brand to not merely associate themselves with “trends” because it’s happening out there. As a brand, make sure you connect and be a part of ‘events’ and ‘trends’ IFF you are sure that your end consumers or prospects can connect you with that event. For eg. As a ‘HEALTH’ product, associate yourself with events and trends like fitness, marathon etc rather than being a part of a TECHNOLOGY event or a GAMING event.

Remember, consumers see you as a face, let them get a clear picture of who you are and what to expect from you. The message  you as a brand send out, should be simple and vivid for end readers to digest and consume.

Handling Consumer complaints and queries: Branding today involves varied processes of content reach, right target audience, customer feedback and problems also need to be dealt with as part of the branding strategy. Never block a consumer who has a complaint (a real and sincere complaint). Listen to them, give them a solution immediately and make sure it is with an intent to help them sort out their concern. An irate consumer is more likely to “complain” publicly about you than a happy customer is ready to tell your success story. So make sure you provide a real and permanent solution to consumers with real problems while using your brand products, services etc.

When you give immediate solutions to an irate consumer, there are 99% more chances of him immediately becoming your loyal brand ambassador for life. And only you can make it happen!

Instant gratification: Reward your loyal brand customers immediately. It works in the long run. Branding using “real deals / offers” makes tremendous impact and let’s your customer know that you really want to add and impact their lives positively.

Platforms do not define branding process, people do: Don’t dwell on vicious queries of ‘which website’ I need to be present across? Rather ask yourself, where would my end consumer want me to interact with him or her? Where would my customer be comfortable talking to me?

For eg. If it is a financial product or services, most of the customers would think a million times before engaging with your brand on a public platform.

Create brand-focused platform that are user friendly and help to easily connect with users to engage with your brand. Genuinely make them feel comfortable and secure while interacting with your brand.

Customize and Innovate: Branding yourself or your company or it’s products and services is not merely a post or a creative going live. It is a power packed proposition for someone to TRUST you in believing that ‘your brand has the solution to their problems’. Provide customized solutions. Do not merely sell what you have, rather provide them what they need! It shows in your branding too.

Measure: This is the most important aspect of any branding strategy today. Create tools and process that will help you ‘track the metrics’ and measure your progress with the goals that you have in mind. Constantly, improvise and keep innovating with the same.

Remember, for the end user, your BRAND is more than a product or a service, it is a face, it is human…. or why will they want to engage with it?

Be real, focus and plan them well.

Ananth V Social media for BRANDING Google


Do share your comments and views on this with me here. There are so many aspects of branding that are very vital, feel free to share your thoughts with me on what has worked for you over the years. In case you have any queries to plan your branding strategy, do feel free to write to me here too.

In case you are interested in planning an event, seminar or a branding campaign for your esteemed organization, feel free to reach me across any of my social profiles listed below, or you can also reach our team of experts at “” and our professionals will reach you at the earliest to help you plan a customized social media branding marketing solution.

Have a wonderful connect ahead.

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Ananth V

Founder & CEO
Techdivine Creative Services

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