As a Chief Marketing Officer, this is how you grow

Success Chief Marketing Officer ROLE


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Ananth V

As a Chief Marketing Officer, this is how you grow

With digital transformation, organizations across the globe have undergone drastic changes in their Key Performance Indicators (KPI), roles, responsibilities of corporate professionals etc, especially, over the most recent years.

Companies are slowly realizing that digital transformation is not merely focusing on technologies, rather digitizing the entire system, right from the mindset of the employees to the processes with a single goal to empower organizations to deliver customized and personalized services to their customers and get the most productive output from their team members.

In other words, creating core value that focusses on both, an engaging customer journey, customer experience and at the same time, ensuring employee advocacy, employee career development and growth.

In such an ever changing fast paced corporate environment, how can you, as a Chief Marketing Officer (CMO), grow constantly while delivering value.

ROLE of a Chief Marketing Officer


Here are few ways in which you can ensure a successful career path as a CMO today:


Never Stop Learning and ensure a steady learning process for your organizations employees at all times.

“Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world ~ Nelson Mandela”

One of the biggest challenges which a CMO faces today is the rapid pace with which the digital technologies and digital marketing field changes.

As a CMO, you can ensure that corporate professionals in your organization are aware of the advantages of constant learning.

This, you can achieve through employee development programs, employee skill development, employee career development. Gamification integration with your Corporate training can be a power packed way to ensure the your team members, peers, colleagues, employees self-initiate the learning process at every stage.

Appropriate incentives in the form of appraisals, perks, career path, career mentoring, career focused growth charts can be an amazing incentive for your team members to ensure they keep learning in the process.

As a CMO, once you are able to ensure ‘continuous learning and education for employees’ as a focus rather than merely tasks, work, roles, responsibilities, you will surely watch the productivity and morale of your team growing with your organization. Most importantly, you will soon find everyone moving in the same direction with a single goal and vision in mind. 

Did you know? Ensuring consistent and self-initiated learning for your employees not only reduces iteration, but also adds value for and about your organizations work culture in the minds of your team members and at the same time, boosts tremendous amount of confidence for your clients, customers and prospects about the skill levels of those handling the respective projects of your client brand partners.

ROLE of a Chief Marketing Officer

STEP TWO: Omni-channel:

I had recently shared the following podcast on omnichannel marketing wherein, YOU, as a digital marketer or as a best digital marketing professional or as the most influential digital marketing leader can empower your business revenue, sales both online and offline using analytics, data, metrics and a power packed digital strategy across lifestyle and retail brands.

Omni-channel at its core is defined as a multichannel sales approach that provides the customer with an integrated shopping experience.

On similar lines, as a Chief Marketing Officer (CMO), today in an omnichannel corporate environment, wherein you can integrate multiple KPI’s for both you and your employees, make it challenging, learning, growing and create an engaging work environment wherein you, your team members and of course, the organization work process is integrated with a single vision in mind, i.e. to create the best customer journey experience while solving their issues by delivering a product or service that truly resolves their concerns or pain areas.

Once you are able to achieve this milestone, you will have defined an amazing purpose for your role and justified your skill sets to deliver the best for the company, its stakeholders and its end users.

STEP THREE: Budgeting and Ownership:

Understanding through clearly defined goals, what your achievable and realistic goals are through your digital marketing campaigns, you have the ability to budget for ROI based digital strategy social media marketing campaigns and achieve impeccable professional measurable results, be it, influencer marketing campaign success with real-time engagement or actual sales ROI using digital marketing.

Three steps:

  • Define clear goals that are realistic based on your companies past performance.
  • Have a justified budget for such goals with a clearly defined timeline.
  • Take ownership through social media metrics, big data, digital marketing analytics to empower your campaigns.

Success Chief Marketing Officer ROLE

The moment you are successfully able to achieve the above steps, your stakeholders, your superiors and your CEO, will see you as a much more responsible and as an undoubtedly powerful, resourceful skill set who is essential so to meet the fast-changing needs of consumers, client brand partners and of course, the organization itself.

Digital marketing is no longer about getting LIKES or HITS or FOLLOWERS.

It is about being able to deliver measurable results consistently. 

This will only be possible if the entire team within the organization across divisions of advertising, sales, pre-sales, product, operations, finance, HR, etc are in sync with the CMO’s roles, responsibilities and realistic expectations based on the available budget and timelines to achieve the said deliverables.

Are you a CMO? Does your career path focus on becoming one? 

What do you feel are the challenges a CMO faces or might face?

Do share your views, comments and suggestions with me here, would love to hear from all of you.

For Corporate Training on digital marketing social media hands-on with case study based focused training programs, OR Customized Digital Marketing Social Media ROI campaigns, feel free to reach us, Click here: Best Digital Agency 

Ananth V
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